Training & Workshops
We have a range of online and in-person training courses and workshops to build capacity in energy management and sustainable development.
Courses and Workshops
Our current training and workshop offerings are showcased below
Climate Change and Energy Management Workshop For Business
Are you concerned about the effects of climate change on your business? Do you want to learn how carbon footprints are calculated and what generates most of your business’s carbon emissions? Do you want to understand how to reduce costs and carbon emissions through improved energy management?
Saving Energy at Home
Learn the basics of energy use in the home such as how to read your electricity bill, which appliances are your main energy users, how to reduce energy use, and how to calculate potential energy savings.
Solar PV Systems for the Home
Learn about how Solar PV (Photovoltaic) works and how to install it at home, calculate the amount of energy you need to power appliances every day, and which size Solar PV system is best for your energy requirements.